
The technology readiness and MedPhab operation process will be validated by:

Demo Case Open Calls program enabling early adoption of the technologies by external user, demonstrating the pilot line services and validating the open access business model.

Use Case Validation program, upscaling and demonstrating performance of 5 innovative medical diagnostics products;

Demo cases-OPEN CALL

  • Up to 20 SME’s will be selected as Demo-Cases by open calls.
    • These cases cover various medical diagnostic fields showcasing the full extent of MedPhab’s technology offering and the efficiency of the single-entry point service model to accelerate the product development.
    • Open Call 30 Jun 2021  
    • SIGN up (More information COMING SOON)
    • Help desk (More information COMING SOON)


  • Acceleration of the manufacturing process
    • Pre-qualification for seamless regulatory approval process
    • Optimized customer handling process
    • Supporting material: flyer, elevator pitch, dissemination strategy
  • MedPhab Technologies
    • Fibre optics
    • Microfluidics
    • Surface functionalisation
    • Instrumentation
    • Opto-electronic integration
    • Miniaturisation for micromodules and wearables
  • Use cases programme
    • IVD platform for nucleic acid diagnostics
    • IVD biosensing platform based on silicon photonics
    • IVD platform and reader unit for immunoassay
    • Biophotonics device for surgical guidance
    • Mobile photonic reader for cardiovascular complications